/** * Hexo-obsidian-theme * @author Guo Xiang - @TriDiamond * @description Use for hexo obsidian theme */ //JSHint ingores /* jshint -W093 */ /* jshint -W030 */ /* jshint -W119 */ /** * Watch the TOC during scroll and fill in active status * @param {} menuSelector * @param {*} options */ function scrollSpy(menuSelector, options) { var menu = $(menuSelector); if (!menu) return; options = options || {}; var offset = options.offset || 0; var activeClassName = options.activeClassName || 'active'; var scollTarget = $('.content :header').find('a.headerlink'), lastId = null, active = $(); $(window).scroll(function () { // Get container scroll position var fromTop = $(this).scrollTop() + offset; // Get id of current scroll item var id = scollTarget .prevObject.filter(function () { return $(this).offset().top < fromTop; }) .last() .attr('id') || ''; if (lastId !== id) { active.removeClass(activeClassName); var newActive = []; for ( var target = menu.find('[href="#' + id + '"],[href="#' + encodeURIComponent(id) + '"]'); target.length && !target.is(menu); target = target.parent() ) { if (target.is('li')) newActive.push(target[0]); } active = $(newActive).addClass(activeClassName).trigger('scrollspy'); lastId = id; } }); } /** * Utilise the background color to avoid scrolling flashes */ function utiliseBgColor() { setTimeout(function () { if ($('#single').length) { $('html').css('background', '#fff'); } else { $('html').css('background', '#100e17'); } }, 500); } /** * Building the caption html in an article */ function buildImgCaption() { var images = $('.content').find('img'); var usedCaption = []; images.each(function () { var caption = $(this).attr('alt'); if (caption !== '' && usedCaption.indexOf(caption) < 0) { $('.content') .find("[alt='" + caption + "']") .parent() .append('

"' + caption + '"

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$(window).trigger('resize'); }, 300); }, 0); } else { Obsidian.loading(); Obsidian.L(state.u, function (data) { document.title = state.t; $('#preview').html($(data).filter('#single')); Obsidian.preview(); setTimeout(function () { Obsidian.player(); }, 0); }); } }); }, HS: function (tag, flag) { var id = tag.data('id') || 0, url = tag.attr('href'), title = (tag.attr('title') || tag[0].innerText) + ' - ' + $('#config-title').text(); if (!$('#preview').length || !(window.history && history.pushState)) location.href = url; Obsidian.loading(); var state = { d: id, t: title, u: url, }; Obsidian.L(url, function (data) { if (!$(data).filter('#single').length) { location.href = url; return; } switch (flag) { case 'push': history.pushState(state, title, url); $('#preview').html($(data).filter('#single')); break; case 'replace': history.replaceState(state, title, url); $('#preview').html($(data).filter('#single')); break; } document.title = title; $('#preview').html($(data).filter('#single')); switch (flag) { case 'push': Obsidian.preview(); break; case 'replace': Obsidian.initArticleJs(); window.scrollTo(0, 0); Obsidian.loaded(); break; } setTimeout(function () { Obsidian.player(); $('#top').show(); comment = $('#gitalk-container'); if (comment.data('ae') == true) { comment.click(); } }, 0); }); }, preview: function () { // preview toggle $('#preview').one( 'transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend MSTransitionEnd', function () { var previewVisible = $('#preview').hasClass('show'); if (!!previewVisible) { $('#container').hide(); } else { $('#container').show(); } Obsidian.loaded(); } ); setTimeout(function () { $('#preview').addClass('show'); $('#container').data('scroll', window.scrollY); setTimeout(function () { $('body').removeClass('fixed'); $('#preview').css({ position: 'static', // 'overflow-y': 'auto' }); Obsidian.initArticleJs(); }, 500); }, 0); }, player: function () { var p = $('#audio'); if (!p.length) { $('.icon-play').css({ color: '#dedede', cursor: 'not-allowed', }); return; } var sourceSrc = $('#audio source').eq(0).attr('src'); 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