Jiahao Zhang

Jiahao Zhang

Undergraduate Student of Advanced Computing

Australian National University


I am an undergraduate student in the Research School of Computer Science, Australian National University. I used to be an active web developer, but I am now a passionate starter in academic research and interested in many deep learning topics, particularly computer vision.


  • Computer Vision(Deep Learning)
  • Inteligent Traffic
  • Automatic Driving
  • Web Developing
  • Internet of Things


  • BEng in Advanced Computing (Honours), 2019-Present

    Australian National University

  • BEng in Computer Science and Technology, 2017-2019

    Shandong University, Weihai



Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, Django, Flask


POCO, Cpp Micro Service


Vue.js, jQuery


Bootstrap, Ant Design, Element


PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB


Ubuntu, CentOS, Docker


Since 2017


Intern Software Development Engineer


Nov 2019 – Jan 2020 Jinan, China

I was an intern at the Inspur, which is a Server and Cloud company in China. I helped to build a plugin management system based on Cpp Micro Service.

Responsibilities include:

  • Design
  • Develop
  • Deploy
  • Test

Developer of School Booking System

Shandong University, Weihai, School of Mechanical, Electrical & Information Engineering

May 2019 – Jul 2019 Weihai, China

I was an independent developer of the Booking System designed to simplify the appointment process. The system is in-use till now, and maintained by a junior student.

Responsibilities include:

  • Design
  • Develop
  • Deploy
  • Test

Major Developer of Weihai Construction Consulting System

Shandong University, Weihai, School of Mechanical, Electrical & Information Engineering

Mar 2019 – Present Weihai, China

I was a major developer(one of six) of the Weihai Construction Consulting System, which is an enterprise-level business projects, and still in active development(from V1 to V2).

Responsibilities include:

  • Frontend developing
  • Agile software development manager
  • Deploying
  • Testing

Major Maintainer for VJ

Shandong University, Weihai, School of Mechanical, Electrical & Information Engineering

Feb 2018 – Jul 2019 Weihai, China

I was the major maintainer(one of three) of the VJ(Virtual Judge for ACM practice) system developed by a senior student. The system has more than 10K submissions since first published in 2017.

Responsibilities include:

  • Maintaining the service
  • Optimizing response speed
  • Developing new features with senior students


Since 2017

First Scholarship of Abroad Special

Third Scholarship of University

Second Scholarship of Research and Innovation

Third Scholarship of University